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tv   Fox Morning News at 6  FOX  August 5, 2009 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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can you help? i'veried these, without success. try this. spray 'n wash max has a new and improved formula with even more stain- fighting power, making it the unbeatable pre-treater! it has resolve power to break down tough stains right in front of your eyes better than the competition! it even outperforms the others on these dried-in stains! impressive! finally, this is perfect! (alistair) trust resolve power. forget stains. two jailed american journalists are now free and on their way home this hour. >> details on the deal by former president bill clinton that led up to their release. a gunman opens fire at a health club killing at least three women. what police say may have been the motive. also ahead, found out what metro's general manager says has to happen now to keep his riders safe. and the new season hasn't seen started yet but before a
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big american idol shocker to x foning. fox 5 morning news continues at 6:00, right now geing light are out there now at 6:00. want to take another view of tower cam this morning. the 74 degrees at reagan national airport just across the river. i'm steve chenevey. >> i'm allison seymour in for gurvir dhindsa. let's say good morning to tony perkins one more time with alike at the forecast. >> good morning to both of of y the forecast for today, hot. hotan humid. maybe some showers and thunderstorms. >> hazy? >> we'h throw some haze in there. why not? room is up there. no winds to mix it up. winds are calm at this hour. that will change later on today. here is a look at the satellite-
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radar for the eastern u.s. you can see a distinct difference between this morning and yesterday morning. we have more clouds moving in this morning and gradually today will become a fairly cloudy day, mostly cloudy day with some showers. you see some of the showers alain wade cold front up to the north. that front will be making its arehe l atetoday. the forecast, becomina mostly cloudy. s t ghhiu hd.mi highs inth e upper 80s and low 90s. winchester, 87. annapolis, 87. washington, d.c., 90 for your high and do be ready for showers and thunderstorms during the afternoon and evening. more about that coming up in a little bit. >> thank you. let's say good morning to lauren demarco who is keeping an eye on traffic. >> 95 southbound just before 212 in beltsville, we do have police activity on the right shoulder slowing everybody down. no problems to report on the beltway, 95 in virginia northbound at mile marker 12 #,
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accident on the right shoulder. your northbound delays on 95 stretch from the prince william parkway up through lorton. let's look at 395 at the 14th street bridge. no problems right now between the beltway and the bridge. you are moving across it at speed into the district. taking it back inside right now, we do have an accident eastbound on 66 just after route 28 in centreville. here we are just east of route 29. you can see some of our delays here stacking up. once you get past that, 7100, you are back up to speed all the way into the beltway. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. our big story, american journalist, laura ling and euna lee headed back to california to be reunite with their families. former president bill clinton traveled to the communist nation yesterday and met with leader kim jong il to secure
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their release. >> they were experienced to 1 years of hard labor for sneaking into the country. the duo was on asenatement with al gore's current tv collecting material for a report about trafficking of north korean women into china. some believe the rare talks between president clinton and kim jong il were the north korean leader's waive sending a message to president obama. >> i think north korea has seen the hostages and the nuclear program as two sides of the same coin from the outset. i would be willing to bet a dollar at least that kim jon il used the opportunity of a meeting with former president clinton to deliver a message back to the obama administration. he has always wanted direct bilateral negotiations with the united states and now he has had it with a former president. >> secretary of state hillary clinton spoke to her husband, the fompler president being an says the women were extremely excited tbe headed back to the u.s. but they are set to arrive in burbank, california in just about an hour now. we will bring you coverage of
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that and talk with the u.s.- korean relations an where our dealings with north korea go from here now. iranian officials deciding whether to charge three americans with spying in the meantime. friends claim the trio was hiking to a water fall when they accidentally crossed the unmarked border. secretary of state hillary clinton has called if their release. a u.s. missile strike has killed the wife of a top taliban leader. pakistani and u.s. officials confirm one of the men's two wives was killed in the tax at the home of one of his close relatives in a region on the pakistan-afghan border. a soldier from northern virginia has been killed in afghanistan. 4 #-year-old sergeant first class alejandro granato was killed on august 2nd. two other soldiersers were also
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killed. all three were members of mississippi army national guard. now, to a evdeloping story. s daochat a has the latest club. a man opens fire inside an exercise class killing thee people. this happened at an l.a. fitness club in the intub of pittsburgh. survivors say the man walked into an exercise room, fiddled with the duffel bag, turned off the light an started shooting. i believe he was probably about 26, 27 and she got shot through the leg. she was bleeding a lot. i mean i don't know. i think it was the ex- boyfriend. she kept saying' going to kill me, my ex-boyfriend. >> at least 10 others were also hurt. detectives found a note inside the shooter's gym bag but didn't rehees what the note said. police said the shooter did what he set out to do and no one could have stopped him. let's take a look at some other top stories. a word of warning from metro's
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general manager just over a month after the deadliest accident in the system's history saying if the government fails to fork over more funding, safety an service will be cmpromised. metro gm john catoe begged for more money on capitol hill yesterday telling a senate subcommittee that metro needs about $11 billion over the next 10 years for safe an reliable service. and metro is pushing for $150 million of it next fiscal year. the house approved that. that is moving through the senate. a train on metro's orange line is out of service after a report that a door came open in the middle of a run. several riders say just after 5:00 p.m. on monday, a middle door on a train opened as the train moved between the federal center southwest and l'enfant plaza stops. no one was hurt and it is not clear how far the door opened but the train stopped right away which it does automatically when a door opens without the operator. her family saws she was a working mother who put her children first that. description adding more to the
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mystery of why she drove the wrong way down a high for nearly t les with a van full of children setting off a deadly accident that killed eight people. there are shocking new details about what the mom may have been doing before the crash.  since re/max first opened its doors back in 1973, we've helped millions of families buy or sell a home. through good times and bad, including five previous recessions, re/max agents have provided the kind of experience america relies on to get the job done. today, in the worst housing market most of us have ever seen, that eerience is more important than ever. find out what re/max can do for you.
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nobody sells more real estate than re/max.
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disturbing new information on a crash that killed eight people. blood tests show that diane shuler had more than 10 drinks of alcohol in her system and had smoked marijuana just 15 minute before the crash. she was taking a van load of kids home from a camping trip. she drove the wrong way on a highway. she crashed into an suv. the woman, her #-year-old daughter and three nieces were among those killed. the bill that will put $2 billion more into the cash for clunkers program will likely pass the senate before freeway. lawmaker on both sides of the aisle believe they will vote
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favor before the summer recess starts. the new money is needed after consumers burned throughthe first billion dollar budget. the house has already passed the bill. a noble networking no no for one branch of the military. the marines now banned from going on facebook, myspace or other social networking sites on government computers. the order was issued of coursive immediately because of possible on-line security threats. the marines are still free to visit those sites on their personal computers. american idol, randy, simon and paula have brought balance to the judges table with kara yipping them last year. next season, you won't see one of those familiar faces anymore. we'll have that story for you and more. try the new subway big chipotle cheesesteak.
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>> you awaken the spirit in all of us with a unique way of alennizing your trademark. that is the true marking of a great artist. >> she was the nice judge but paula's time on the panel is over. paula abdul leaving the
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americ . olid >> she said, with sad innocence my heart, i have decided not return. i will miss nurturing all new talent but being a part of the show that i helped from day one become an international phenomenon. >> yes, she did. paula had been in contract negotiation with the show. we found out yesterday that kara dioguardi will be returning for season nine and, of course, sim object cowell and ryan seacrest grabbed headlines if the big fate paychecks they will be pulling in. >> she was the one that would also fight simon and had the surge to do so, even go to the point of physical contact with him. so i think it's the strange that she's twit erred that she is not coming back. >> american idol is the top rated show on television. >> you hope if kara is the one that will stick around that she will not cave in to simon. >> she has shown that too. maybe she'll shine a little bit
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more. sometime paula didn't give the most useful advice. maybe it's good. i don't know. i'm going to miss her. >> the show will go on. >> that's right. and here is the thing about that show. it is so successful that even -- let's say it drops 10% in the ratings, it will still be number one because of the sheer numbers of people that watch the show. they can afford it. let's take a look at our weather conditions around the region. we'll start with the current conditions being reported at reagan national airport where it is now 74 degrees. 74 at reagan national. humidity has tripped down a bit. 68% and the wind have now picked up. six mile per hour winds out of the north. barometric pressure has fallen. no, no, no, it has gone up. here are the current temperatures around the nation. we are at 74. cincinnati at 64. dallas, 82. that is where the warm air is. have you more warm air in the southwest. we'll see a little heat wave get under way here during the
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next couple of days and gadually, that heat will push its way eastward and bring us pretty warm temperatures by the weekend. here is a look at the national satellite-radar composite. again, the activity that we're seeing is in the eastern olunit states and in the plains along the mississippi river. got some pretty good rain showers in portions of arkansas and mississippi and western portions of tennessee. also some activity now in central nebraska. the forecast for washington for today looks like this. we'll see increasing cloudiness. right now, it is mostly cloudy at reagan national airport. scattered afternoon showers and thunderstorms i'm hot, humid day. 90degrees for your high. i think some of the thunderstorms will be drenching thunderstorms so you will get some downpours out there. for tonight, some lingering showers and thunderstorms in the early part of the evening. mostly cloudy overnight low about 71 degrees downtown. here is a look at the five-day forecast. 83degrees for your high tomorrow so a big difference because tomorrow, after that
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cold front come through, with we'll have cooler, drier air. then those temperatures jump up into the 90s in time for the weekend. now, let's found out what is happening with traffic. for that, we go toe lauren demarco. >> we've got some newenings working. 70 eastbound, the ramp to southbound 29 is shut down. also, 270 as you head southbound leaving route 80 urbana passing 109, we had seen some delays stacking up. looks like it is getting a little bit better as you head down towards clarksburg but prepare for volume there. it is a smoother trip in through germantown and then rockville. in virginia, we are dealing with a new accident report on the inner loop after route 50. here at little river turnpike, no delays here so not stacking up too badly at this point. keep in mind inner loop just after route 50 heading toward 66. car reportedly off the side of the road to left shoulder. a rae scherr serious accident
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reported there. also, 66 eastbound at route 28 in centreville, accident is off to the shoulder. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffi >> thank you. business beat is up next. we are take august look at what is bminsa d ixed day on the market. as we go ar okloe g ina u r or you are an employer seeking a nw eta. lent our job shop on yfi a great place to start your search. check m it out for yourself. there arliorfl ou alfor all at levels to seasoned professionals. and it will feature our job of the day coming up at 8:00 this morning. we're back after this.
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a government program to help home owners avoid foreclosure is not being implemented the way it had hoped. a new report says of last month, only 9% of eligible borrowers had received help from the $50 billion program. saxon mortgage helped the most. mixed news about where the economy is aded next. chris cotter joins us from new york and fox business network. good morning, chris. talk about what happened yesterday and what we're looking at today. >> yesterday, we had a day very similar to what we've seen over the last couple of weeks a lot of earnings to report an also some economic data and it is driving the market. it is not driving it in a big way in one direction or the other which i think is a little bit of a positive yesterday that we had a little bit of a tug of war. you see the dow right there up
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just 4 points . holding 1,000 on the s&p. that is important. >> what are we looking at today in we have payroll data coming out, some other indicators. is this anything that is a preference for the bull or bears? >> we've got this adp report. we used to sort of brush that report aside and wait for the monthly nonfarm payrolls report which is coming out on friday. but because jobs are so important right now, we are looking at the weekly reports and looking at this adp private sector payrolls report as a little bit of a tell before we get to friday. that may move the market this morning. we'll also look at inventories for crude. crude has been on the move down a little bit yesterday, down a little bit right now trading at about $71 a barrel but we'll look at the invent toirdz and see if that moves the needle and brings that back down. your stock of the day is a corporation not too far, discovery communications. >> discovery communications anumberred a great quarter last
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night. i mean the fact that they have a 1% increase in rating across the board in their network which is discovery channel, animal planet, tlc, they've also actually been able to raise revenue from ad spending which is almost unheard of in this environment right now. they are a cable network so they don't have to worry so much about ad revenue. but the stock has been on fire. they went public last year. stock is up 79% so far this year. it has been a great story, no doubt about it. >> thank you. we'll see you again tomorrow. up next, a warning from metro's general manager as he is still pushing for more funding. sarah simmons is working on that story. >> reporter: this morning, more federal fund organize safety on comingwill decline. coming up, exactly how much metro is asking for when fox 5 morning news returns.
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staying on top of of a developing story now outside of pittsburgh in a suburb of that city this more than ark man walked into a gym in bridgeville last night, a suburb of pittsburgh an opened fire. witnesses say he stepped inside an exercise class, stood in the back, never uttering a word before pulling out two guns out of a duffel bag an started shooting. when he stopped, three women were dead and he shot himself gentleman i helped carry the one girl out. she got shot in her thigh and
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she kept saying she was going to die. the man shot 10 other people. no word on their conditions. one victim was the shooter's ac witnesses. laura ling and euna lee are headed back to california to be reunited with their families of being pardoned from imprisonment in north korea. former president bill clinton traveled to north korea to negotiate their release. they were freed from a 1-year hard labor sentence. >> just about 6:30 right now. weather is inching up to where we'll be today. >> it is already a warm start to the day, rather muggy out there. our humidity has actually fallen back during the last hour but it will be a steamy one and we'll probably see showers and thunderstorms later. here are your current temperatures at the area airport. 74 at both reagan national and at dulles now. these temperatures fluctuating a little bit during the course
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.nithe morng bw rs ihaa illgrde here a look at the satellite- radar image for our part of the world. a ver duor tricldsayng he lo co cveduringr he morning hours and riindeed, during the course of the day today as well. there is some precipitation oweweut to the wo t. re irk wotsway in . tsreehat don't expect to see anything in our area i think until afternoon. maybe some of you to the west as early as after 11:00, 11:30 but for most of us in the afternoon. plenty of clouds. scattered afternoon showers and thunderstorms. high today about 90 degrees. that is a couple of degrees above normal andit was our high yesterday as well. coming up in about 15 minutes, today's ask the weather guy question. great, great question. it is really good. an a follow-up to yesterday's ask the weather guy. >> okay. when the weather was why is it cooler. >> we have an update on troy garrett. >> oh, good. >> tony's favorite name in morning television. >> awesome.
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>> let's check in with lauren demarco and find out what is happening out there on the roads. >> just wanted an excuse to say troy garrett again. >> love that name. >> all right. right now, we are working an accident on the beltway and delays are starting to stack up. it is actually on the outer loop after 66 before route 50. re we go heading south loafing 66 toward route 50. you will be on the brake really starting to back up here at this point. you want to stay to the right. it is actually an overturned pickup truck that is off to the left side of road that is slowing everybody down. on 66 itself, things looking pretty good. we have the accident after centreville that has been moved to the left shoulder and from route 50 fair oaks into the beltway, you will be at speed. heading out now to the mixing bowl in springfield, let's take a look on northbound 95. a little bit of congestion, you can see the hov lanes rightwide open for you. 395 looks good as you head up towards the 14th street bridge.
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that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. a big story we are following. a word of warning from metro's general manager just over a month after the deadliest accident in the system's history. moat of the metro's problems stem from a lack of money and general manager john catoe said without help from the government, your safety is on the line. >> catoe said congress should approve the money right away. sarah simmons has more on catoe's pleas for more money. >> reporter: good morning. general manager john catoe made that plea before a senate subcommittee on banking and housing. in his appearance, he said the money is needed now in order just to keep the system safety point. he is saying that the lack of money is really metro's main problem at this point. transportation officials y more than $7 billion is needed
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in the next 10 years for capital projects and $150 million for the next fiscal year just for capital requests. at a request that has been approved by the house. d.c., maryland and virginia have already agreed to match that money. metro has stepped up its efforts to get the federal money because budget issue are a big problem for local governments that do fund metro already. general manager john catoe spoke before the senate subcommittee yesterday. >> the funding provided by the federal government is critical to our ability to keep our systems running safely and reliable. if we to not receive sufficient funding now, service as well as safety will decline. >> reporter: catoe went on to say, enforcing fact that metro is already 3 # years old and comparing it to a house, he said it doesn't just need a spring cleaning. it needs a major overhaul at
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this point. the chairman of the subcommittee was making it known and saying that the june 2 #nd crash was a wake-up call for the nation's transportation needs. back to you. >> thank you. in the meantime being awe train on metro's orange line out of service now after a report that a door came open in the middle of of a run. self riders say just after 5:00 on monday, a middle door on a train opened as the drain moved between the federal center southwest and l'enfant plaza stops. nobody was hurt and it is not clear how far the door opened but the train did stop right way. a man excused of murdering a montgomery county woman for $40 will learn his fate today. sean henderson will be sentenced later this morning. he robbed and shot lindsay harvey as she was walking to her home. he is facing life in prison without the possibility of parole. american journalists laura
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ling and euna lee back on their way to the u.s. this morning. the two american journalists on a flight home to los angeles after being released from a north korean prison camp. the pair originally sentenced to seven more than 1 years of hard labor after entering the country illegally and engaging in hostile acts. >> they are now free women with the help of protect. and we have more on their release in this report. >> reporter: it is official. after months of behind the scenes negotiations, euna lee and laura ling are free. the two journalists boarding a flight in pyongyang together with former president bill clinton ache key figure in helping object tin a pardon for the women. >> your thoughts on president clinton. >> i am extremely grateful an overjoyed. >> reporter: the former president flying tnorto h eion to meet with leader kim jong il personally on what was described as a private community mission.
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clinton reportedly apologizing once again for the two women who had been sentenced to 12 years of hard labor for entering country illegally and engaging in what north korea described as hostile acts towards the regime. north korea reported the women's release as proof the of the regime's humanitarian and peace loving policy. >> it is 140 days. we are overjoyed she will be back here. >> reporter: reports are that both the women's families and vice president al gore asked clinton to serve as a negotiator. the women were working for gore's tv network when they were arrested. and while talk would have been only about the journalists, north korea's nuclear program was thought to have also been discuss giant food i would be willing to bet a dollar at least that kim jong il used the opportunity of a meeting with former president clinton to deliver a message back to the
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obama administration. ling, lee arc former president clinton scheduled to land sometime this morning. we'll continue to follow this story and give you an update when they do land. soy. their love is priceless but raising a child is not cheap. >> we'll look at the average cost that parents should prepare to shell out nowadays. dave has the latest news coming out of training camp. >> jim zorn is a wacky unorthodox church. sometimes in week two of training camp, things get monotonous. we'll show you how he was able to break that up when we return.
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dad, could you help me build a sand castle? sure, pal. let's just find a good spot. [ dramatic music plays ] a big day at the beach with the legendary taste of dunkin' donuts coffee on ice. this looks like a good spot. you kin' do it. america runs on dunkin'. treat urodself tay with an authentic caramel swirl iced latte. with the full flavor of aft mayo with olive oil. with half the fat and calories of hellmann's real mayo, kraft mayo with olive oil
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is the new standard in mayo
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one of the world appear first black supermodel has died. naomi sims passed away in newark, new jersey after a long bat we'll breast cancer. this is a picture of her on the cover of cosmo back in 1973.
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she broke the color barrier when she hit the new york runways in the '60s. she ended up becoming a icon of the black is beautiful movement. she was just 61 years sold. singer chris brown will be sentenced for his attack on his ex-girlfriend rihanna today. she is not expected to be in court for the hearing. he is expected to be handed five years probation, 180 days of community service and a year of domestic violence classes aat his sentencing hearing. a little perspective on the rising cost of raising kids actually new government report finds middle income families with a child born last year will spend about # # 1,000 raising that child through the age of 17. housing is listed as the largest experience followed by food and child care costs. the$221,000 tab jumps to $292,000 when yoadjust for inflation. he hasn't been head coach for that long. just a little more than a year
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now. >> but jim zorn is already making his mark for mick things up at practice to keep his player sharp. dave ross is live to tell us how he does that. >> absolutely. that is the thing about train camp. it is day seven. these guys are going through two-a-days. it is hot out here. you get tired of doing same sold song and dance. leave it to jim zorn to break out some of his new age techniques and yesterday, they were clearly on display. here is what we're talking about. this guy is hands on. this is a drill he wants the quarterbacks to learn how to recover a fumble in the proper way so he shows them by getting down on the ground, getting in the fetal position him scwhefl and then protecting the ball and protecting their bodies. so then he asks jake gas on campbell, he is 6'5", not an easy drill for him to do but it worked for campbell. the fans loved. it the coach loved t here is what jason campbell had to say about the drill.
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>> he wanted to get in the baby fetal position. i said i'm 6'5". i can't get down in the baby fetal position. he was just trying to teach is how to get on the ball. we try to have some fun with it. but it's meaningful assignment. if the ball gets loose, you want to get on the ball and protect yourself. >> the only problem with practice yesterday, while she had fun doing that drill, were some key injuries. we talked about the injuries. the right tackle spot, both the right tackles vying for the starting position, wealth don't down with injuries in the morning practice. did not practice in the afternoon. stefan heier had an mri on his knee. mike williams has a groin situation, probably will miss practice today. so jeremy bridges arc guy they brought over from chicago in the off season will more than like i start today getting his first start at right tackle. comingup at 7:00, the next
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installment of dave versus dave. yesterday's was so close with jason campbell on the receiver. i do want know that all precincted have officially voted inform so, we have to recalculate because it was 50% to 50% at last check. so i don't know if it is like an al franken situation in minute where they got to recount every vote to figure out would won. but at this point, still too close to call. >> can you vote twice in this is not an actual political election. >> i'm not saying that you can't. >> we're picking up what you're putting down. >> if i have 51% for me, i'll take it. >> he has to win today. >> the pressure is on. we'll see dave in a little bit. let's jump into the weather. we'll do that and today's ask the weather guy. we'll start with -- what are we going to start with? the headlines. the current headlines for your
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weather for today. waking up, nice and humid. storm arrive this afternoon, lingering showers thursday morning. this wound, the heat builds in. i think our highs will be around 90 on saturday. take a look at the temperatures across the region. we are at 74 in d.c. 74 at dulles. a little bit cooler out to the west. warmer out to the east. 82 in ocean city. satellite-radar for the eastern u.s. ark lot more activity today. got some clouds building in. we'll move in around for you and see more cloud cover making its way here. that is an interesting thing the way that goes town to the south ere. awe little rain system out in portions of arkansas, tennessee, pushing southward. for us though, wave got clouds pushing in from the west and that is what we'll see touring the course of the day today. the forecast if today look like this. p becoming mostly cloudy. scattered afternoon showers and thunderstorms. 90degrees for your high. your five-day forecast,
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tomorrow, y will see the temperature drop down, 83 will be your high temperature tomorrow in town. maybe someling aring showers and thunderstorms early in the day. friday, sunshine, not a bad day friday. saturday, as i said, 90, maybe a shower or thunderstorm. it will be a hot one. time for you no ask the weather guy tucker and i put our bug heads together to we are your question. today's question is from mary in arlington. how is it possible that i song or commercial jingle gets stuck in your head and you can't stop singing or humming it. mary says she can't get the bloom grocery store jingle out of her head. >> that is unfortunate. >> that is unfortunate. that is not one that gets stuck with me. we'll spare you from playing it. now, they've actually had studies on this. they call them ear worms now.
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some of the studies have found that it's way that your brain keeps busy while it is idling. >> interesting. >> isn't that weird in it is more likely you will get a song stuck in your head if you are tired or stressed and it happens to women more often -- >> because wear more tired and stressed. >> and your brains are idling more. that is a joke. >> walked in that one y you left that. >> you left the door wide open. ddie out of the university of cincinnati in 2003 dubbed these songs ear worms and said though the songs that get stuck in our head the most vary from person to person, there is a few that are pretty charleston. making that list, would let the dog out because they wouldn't let that one go. don't play it. oh, no. ymca. the lion sleeps tonight.
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>> where was this studdie done? & thely on sleeps tonight &&. >> any song can get stuck in your head. >> i will normally get it for about a day and then you say listen to something else. >> you have to pass it on. >> you know the geico cave man commercials, the let me be myself song that they play. three weeks, every morning that was stuck in my head. i don't know why. it as was annoying me. >> the experts suggest what you do here is that you visualize an actual worm crawling oust your ear and you stomp on it to get rid it was. >> i heard have you to pass it on to somebody. >> that is one thing. what you say as well, pass it on to someone. but what they really do is a is force yourself to think of another song that gets that song out. >> then you're stuck on the next song. >> fascinating. >> a lot of songs in my head right now. >> the one that stuck in my head. yesterday, we were talking about peter, paul and mir yea. i started sing leaving on a jet
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plane. >> it never seems to be the ones that you love either. that is the sad thing. >> mary, thank you for the question. yes' question was sent in by a man named troy garrett and i mentioned several time i love that name. >> it could be anything. >> we were wondering is he a football player. is he an astronaut. a tough gay name. troy wrote us. he was watching yesterday an troy is the director of communication and technology for his church. >> that is great. >> he has been an it gay for 18 years. he and his wife watch the show, enjoy the show. thank you for watching. thank you for sending in the letter. he says my wife especially biased towards a. son. she loves the way she dresses. >> mrs. garrett, thank you so much. >> and it makes sense. we don't get a lot of e-mails from astronauts. >> and you're the man, troy. it guy working for your church. >> the before the of the both worlds. >> that's right. if you have a question you want answered, go to and click on the weather tab. there you go. ♪ i'm leaving on a jet plane y
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see t didn't get in there. >> if it does, you are free of it. >> let's check in with lauren demarco and find out what is happening in the world of traffic. >> i don't know if we said this but one thing i do is listen to the whole song. >> i do the same thing, lauren. once i dork it is out of there. >> that is a good one. >> you need to hear the end of it. than you move on. >> because you only sing like little parts of it. >> and i've got all kind of things stuck in my head now, thank you very much for that segment. that is my tip. all right. well, we do have a serious accident on the beltway and it is causing some problems elsewhere. first, we'll start off talking about 66. you will be on brake leaving manassas let getting past the wreck just past route 28 in centreville it is on the left shoulder. once you get to 1700, you will be back up to speed. then, check this out. here we are 66 eastbound heading towards the outer loop of the beltway. district attorney lays stretching nearly two miles now and it is all because of that
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accident which we have been following on the outer loop of the beltway. that is right at -- just after 66 before the 50 interchange. several lanes blocked in that stretch. here we are. you can see it right here as you head southbound towards 50. that is going to have you on the brake. you want it stay to the right in the center lanes so left lanes are blocked. it is an overturned pickup truck so right now causing problems both on the outer loop where the delays begin at route 7 and inbound 66. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. back to you. >> thank you. on call, if it is bad for your heart, it may hurt your brain too. scientists in california and finland tracked nearly 10,000 men and women over four decades and found that high cholesterol levels in midlife may increase the risk of alzheimer's and other forms of dementia later in life. people with cholesterol levels of 200 milligrams or higher
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were found to be at least 50% more likely to develop alzheimer's. some promising news out of the commonwealth as the infant mortality rate in virginia has tripped to its lowest point, 6.7 deaths per 1,000 live births. infant mortality among black virginians also fell to its lowest level. the governor had set a goal of reducing the rate of below seven deaths per 1,000 by 2010. an ingredient in some popular bug sprays may be dog more harm than good. a phone. study found that deet may be toxic to the central nervous. they found when deet is combined with other pesticides, the toxicity is even worse. however, scientists say more research is needed. next hour, it does not take a lot of money to have a lot of fun. >> you don't have to go very far to get way from w,it all. holly is just a tshort drive
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down 95 with ways to plan the perfect staycatiot. s are stay-- staycation.
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during times like these it seems like the world will never be the same. but there is a light beginning to shine again. the spark began where it always begins. at a restaurant downtown. in a shop on main street. a factory around the corner. entrepreneurs like these are the most powerful force in the economy. they drive change and they'll relentless push their businesses to innovate and connect. as we look to the future, they'll be there ahead of us, lights on, showing us the way forward.
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this is just the beginning of the reinvention of business. anwhile we're sure we don't know all the awers, we do know one thing for certain, we want to help. come see what the beginning looks like at
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good morning, everybody. i'm holly morris. i hope you have your bug spray because you and i are going camping today. we're live at the regional park. and we're here today because maybe because of the economy you weren't able to go on the usual vacation you go on. can you learn on how to go --
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you can learn to go on a staycation. we'll talk about ho you you and your family can have a whole lot of fun and not spend a whole lot of money. this is one of many parks in the northern virginia area. and we'll talk about setting up your tent and where you can stay if you don't want to sleep in a tent. we'll talk about starting the campfire. and you can't do it without cooking. and it's all about making the most of the last months of summer. a stay vacation that won't cost a -- that won't cost a lot, but will be fun. i'm going to go back in the tent and catch a couple of winks before i see you in the next hour. >> thanks, holly. president obama turned 28 yesterday. >> he wasn't the only one
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celebrating a birthday. white house correspondent helen thomas got a present at yesterday's briefing. ♪ happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. happy birthday helen, happy birthday for you. >> helen wished for peace and no prejudice and she hopes for a real health care reform bill. [ laughter ] i will leave it up to you, helen, how you want to distribute the cup cake >> isn't that the coolest thing. yesterday helen thomas was 89 years old. >> good for her. still a fixture there with all of the press briefings. >> still not letting them off the hook. it is coming up on 7:00. that will do it for the 6:00 hour. >> fox 5 morning news continues right now. coming up on fox 5 in


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